Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is Web 2.0, Really?

Sure we can create a definition for Web 2.0 marketing. We can call it the social interaction on the Internet, we can list the various Web 2.0 type sites such as social networks, social bookmarking sites, wikis, lenses, hubs, forums, and video board sites like You Tube.

But what is Web 2.0 really?

Well, I have a great example that really gets down deep into the heart of what this Web 2.0 Internet marketing is really about.

Yesterday, I sent out individual video mails to my subscribers to wish them a Happy New Year. I didn't do it because I was pitching a product or an opportunity. I did it because that's who I am. I am building relationships with my readers and I want them to realize that I am a real person who cares about their needs (I am constantly asking them for feedback as well).

As I was working on this very large and time consuming yet very fulfilling task, I received a reply from one of my subscribers. He said something like "nice autoresponder, how did you get it to personalize like that?" See, we are so used to being responded to on the web without a real person ever getting involved, he couldn't believe I was actually sending out individual video mails.

I responded back to him telling him that I am a real person and I I said his name over and over so he knew it wasn't an automated response. He emailed me back and was absolutely floored by this. He said he never heard of anyone personally contacting all of their clients like that. He then told me if I needed an affiliate, I have one.

This, my friends, is what Web 2.0 is really about. People connecting with people.

Remember this is your network marketing efforts always and you'll do well.
