Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MLM Forum

So I found what looks to be a pretty cool MLM forum the other day and I wanted to share it with you all. I've only posted a couple of things but it looks like a lot of good stuff.

Here are some of the points of interest:

  • Article marketing
  • Blog marketing
  • Offline marketing ideas
  • SEO
  • Law of Attraction
  • Personal development and coaching
  • General Home Based Business Discussions
Here is a link to the MLM forum. Take a look around but you should definitely get registered and start showing your expertise as well as asking questions and learning as much as you can.

Also, of mention is a thread that names a bunch of really good network marketing blogs. All you network marketers should at least be out there blogging even if you don't yet have your own content site. Here you can find the best MLM blogs according to the MLM forum.

Happy posting!


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