Sunday, December 2, 2007


What is the IAHBE?

Well, it stands for the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs. What it does is provide you with a tremendous amount of resources for you, the home business entrepreneur.

While there is no way that I can tell you everything about the IAHBE here on this blog post, but I want to give you some insider information about what you really get. I know because I have been a member for quite some time now.

I actually found the IAHBE through SFI. It's free to join as many of you are already aware, but I understand the principal "it takes money to make money" so I wanted to get my standing order set up right away before I even started recruiting for SFI.


Well, because when you create a standing order which automatically qualifies you each month as an Executive Affiliate, you're setting the example for everyone in your downline. If you're serious about making money, you'll do these kinds of things in the programs that you're going to promote from the heart. How can you ask someone in your downline to create their standing order (so that you can make even more money) if you haven't set the example yourself?

Anyway, back to the IAHBE. It was my standing order from almost the very start of my joining SFI. This means that every single month, I get a check from SFI.

Of course, that's great and all, but the IAHBE membership in itself is awesome.Here are some of the things you get with your IAHBE membership.

Ok let's look at some of the topics at the IAHBE.

  • Getting Started
    • What's the ideal startup look like?
    • Everything's a scam
    • Take a permanent J-O-B vacation
  • Marketing Tips
    • Your words are your business
    • Breaking a vicious search engine cycle
    • Why people won't buy from you again
  • Finance your business
    • Forget what you THINK you know about loans
    • Capitalization For Small Business Owners
    • Credit Cards Aren't So Bad
  • Personal Growth
    • Use history to solve your issues today
    • Save Yourself-Quit Your Job Now!
    • A step-by-step guide to finding your niche
These are some of the main topics you can click on this month. They come in the form of free Ebooks, articles, and audios.

Here is a list of some of the other tools you'll get as an IAHBE member
  • More than 150 reports and exclusive articles.
  • Hours upon hours of free audio seminars.
  • Free windows and Mac software for your home business. Let me give you a few examples of what they offer here.
    • A free video and voice calling service.
    • A business form creation software.
    • Business plan guide and template.
    • Free secure shopping cart software for your e commerce website.
    • A keyword research tool plus a subscription to a keyword secrets newsletter.
    • Tax calculator (because there are great tax breaks when you work at home).
    • Software for your PC performance
      • Anti virus software.
      • Adware removal.
      • Registry cleaner.
      • Firewall.
      • Spyware removal.
      • XP tweak.
      • Hacker alarm.
    • And a ton more. The ones I listed here were just the ones for PC, they also have software for MAC users.
  • Exclusive home based business book and tool reviews.
  • Marketing aids.
  • Subscriptions to top business magazines (i.e. Entrepreneur)
  • Free best selling books that cover every aspect of home based business.
  • Online resources directory.
    • Blogs
    • Classifieds and Ezine ads
    • Promotion and Marketing
    • Autoresponders
    • Business Newsletters
    • Business loans
    • Tutorials
    • Fraud/Scam help
    • Essential downloads
    • E-mail clients
    • Lead generating
    • Online networking
    • Website design
    • Free downloads
  • Motivational thought of the day.
  • Free access to exclusive interviews and advice from entrepreneurs who are doing what you want to do.
  • An intro pack with over $1000.00 worth of bonuses.
  • 12 Free issues of "home Business Connection" magazine.
  • 15 free leads from CEM's leads generation system.
  • And more.
These are just some of the things that you get with your IAHBE membership. It is well worth the price and it gives you automatic Executive Affilaite status with SFI.

No doubt that your IAHBE membership will also help you grow your SFI business as well as any other business you may be promoting. This service will empower you and explode your business.

The drawback?

You can actually get lost on this site all day if you're not careful. It's hard to get through here and get all of the benefits of this membership. Some months when I'm really busy, I actually feel ripped off if I didn't get to access the IAHBE.

I have been a member for quite a long time and I STILL haven't had a chance to access all of the benefits that I'm entitled. I get busy with my actual marketing and forget to even visit! Then I get my check from SFI, and it's all ok.

So, there you go. A look into the IAHBE.