In order to be a leader in the network marketing industry, you must take personal responsibility very seriously.
Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in training and empowerment within network marketing. But, in the end, it all comes back to YOU.
A word that loves to pop up over and over again when it comes to taking responsibility is the word "they."We all love to blame everyone else when we aren't succeeding. "Well if only THEY would've trained me better." "Well, if only they would've given me more/ better leads to get started with." You know the drill. Well let me tell you something. If you want this bad enough, there is no "they," there is only YOU.
I don't know how many of you have been properly trained out there. I know I wasn't. I had to go out and get myself trained in order to make my business work. Now, because that has happened to me and I didn't quit, I am very adamant about training my organization. But, with all of the horror stories I hear and with all of the people I get coming to me for free network marketing leads, I am assuming that it's the norm to let your newbie network marketers just sink or swim.
So, let's just assume that you're on your own. You are responsible for, in any case:
- Your personal beliefs and the way you see the world around you.
- The attitude that you portray.
- The choices that you make.
- The way that you behave.
- The promises that you make and your commitment to following through with those promises.
- The work that you do.
- Your personal responsibilities.
When we focus on other people's part in a situation, we are releasing responsibility from ourselves. Blame is a complete waste of our time and energy.
As far as being the victem is concerned, instead of looking at the reasons we failed because of what another person did or didn't do, we should instead be looking at the factors that are within our control.
Instead of saying that you can't build your business because your sponsor didn't teach you this or that, go out there on the Internet and learn it! No one is responsible for your business but you.
I truly believe, again, that it is a sponsor's duty to train their organization and help them to get started in building their business. After all, the success of a sponsor is directly linked with the success of his/ her downline. That's how network marketing works, isn't it?
However, if you believe in your company and it's products as I did and your sponsor just isn't willing to put in the time with you either:
- Go out and get yourself some training.
- Go out and find a better sponsor and company if it's that bad.